our heart ♥
Everything changed when we entered college; Christ became real to us in a new way. As we pursued Him, He began to reshape who we were, what we did, and how we saw things. During our four years we saw Him in many faces, but for the most part one common thread linked them together, they were a part of our campus ministry, Chi Alpha. We were welcomed into a community that was passionately following Christ, and our involvement over the past eight years has shown that campus ministry is the most strategic place to reach and equip individuals for the building of the Kingdom.
With Chi Alpha we began to take trips into Mozambique in 2007. God broke our hearts for the situation in Mozambique, physically and spiritually. God called me back for a longer term, so after I graduated I served a year in central Mozambique in a city called Quelimane. During that time I was changed forever, my understanding of God's heart for the global community ruined me for life in America; Africa was in my bones. Andrea and I became engaged during that year, and God began to burden her for the women of Africa. As we earnestly searched God for what He would have us to do to bring His Kingdom here on earth, He continually brought us back to Mozambique, more specifically to the university students of Maputo, the capital of Mozambique.
God's plan is for us to establish living communities of Christ-followers on the campuses of Mozambique. He has led us to start at the oldest, and most influential university in the country, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, but has already exceeded our expectations as we are now on 15 campuses. If students are given the opportunity to experience God and His family like we were able to in college, Africa will be changed forever, from the inside out. The future decision makers, shapers and movers of Africa are at these universities, and when they are impacted by the paradigm-altering power of the Gospel of Jesus, Africa will be impacted through their lives! Our vision is for the transformation of students that can creatively advance the holistic Christocentric redemption of the systemic issues that plague Mozambique individually and collectively. Mozambique is ravaged by Aids, poverty, injustice, hopelessness, and many other maladies; Christ is the only answer for this developing nation.
For two years we led teams into Maputo to make relationship with these students, and help establish small discipleship based cell groups that are the first-fruits of that living body of Christ-followers we plan to establish. There was no established outreach to these future leaders, but now we are here!
After a viable african campus model is established in Mozambique, we hope to spread the work throughout Africa as a whole. Sending redeemed, spirit-filled, indigenous students back to their hometowns, and into other universities across Africa will exponentially accellerate the advance of the Gospel into some of the hardest to reach locations and people groups.
We see the great need, the massive potential; God has called us, so we are going. Thank you for being here with us.
So much love,
Matt, Andrea, & Cedar Marlin