Quickly after gaining independence the nation of Mozambique began a civil war that raged from 1977 to 1992, leaving the country broken and ravished. Our friends who worked in Moz during, or right after the war said it was hell on earth. Over 1 million people died from the effects of the war, with another 5 million displaced. The country continues to endure the effects of the fighting, such as latent land mines, scorched environments, shattered ecosystems, broken families, and tons of hurt.
Nevertheless, Peace has continued, and the people are desperate to rebuild a better society from the ruins of the old. This desire has been incredibly expressed in the works "Tree of Life," and the "Throne of Weapons." They are both created completely from decommissioned weapons, an attempt at utility and beauty hewn from the destruction of the past. They remind me of God's words to Isaiah,
"they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning-hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more." Isaiah 2:4
Mozambique can only truly be transformed by the Gospel of Jesus. While national peace is something that God greatly desires, He desires to see every Mozambican life submitted to Him more. What can peace from war offer the depraved soul that longs for fulfillment? Only Christ can offer the world true, eternal peace that we all need. Let these images of decommissioned weapons offer a metaphor of the beauty a redeemed Mozambique can offer.
To help people become broken, and recommissioned is what God has called Andrea and I to. We long to see Mozambique made new one person at a time! Pray with us to see God transform the next generation of leaders in Mozambique.