To save money and get on the mission field faster, Matt and I decided to move in with his parents. We packed up all our necessities and a couple cherished favorites, like the wooden rocker with yellow seat cushion that we rescued from an estate sell, and restored with Matt's parents help; the rest we gave away. At first I thought I would be really emotional with this huge change, but each day as we took a step toward moving God gave me beautiful, wonderful peace. The day before the move I had, as Matt said, "the house looking like a genuine thrift store." Chi Alpha students, friends, and family came in and out of our disheveled loft apartment for hours and hours grabbing whatever they wanted, whisking their finds off to a new home. Then the move out team arrived and we loaded all the rest, most of which Matt's sister Jessamy will be using in her new home when the remodel is done (WHOOT for some foosball fun at Christmas)! A couple days later and we are settled in and loving life as Marlin duos, that is until we move overseas.Thanks for your support and love in this time of transition. You are the best.