Progress Update


God has been so faithful these past few months. Andrea and I have enjoyed itineration thoroughly, and have been blessed to meet so many incredible giants in the faith; we are encouraged daily by their prayers and support. The more we meet and interact with these heroes of the faith, the more we are stirred to believe God for more. Our vision for Africa has been greatly enlarged by this, and God has continued to give us bigger ideas, and a more comprehensive understanding of the role He wants us to play in helping to bring the redemption of the Gospel to the bright continent. ​

As far as our financial progress, we are officially at 53% of our monthly budget (that's what's been turned in to headquarters as a pledge). If verbal commitments are considered, we are around 60%! As we haven't been itinerating long, we have definitely felt the wonderful hand of God over the process. We are currently trying to fill our calendar up to the brim in order to communicate the opportunity in Mozambique to as many people as possible while we are still in the states. If you would like to meet over a meal, or have a group that we could come speak with, please let us know! We love talking about Mozambique, and what God has called us to.

Also, we love praying for you guys. Please let us know what specific prayer needs you have.