
Sorry it's been so long since we've posted. We've been on the road almost everyday for the past month and are finally "home", well...at least until tomorrow. :) For those of you who don't know, we've moved again after 5 months with Matt's parents, into my parents house. Yes, we have awesome parental units who let us house hop.



Departure Update: We've been encouraged to stay for the Sectional Council Tour (this is the fancy name for pastors of a certain area gathering to pledge money to missions whilst missionaries tell of their ministry vision). The tour ends in mid March, so we will most likely be in the states until then. 

Financial Update: Get EXCITED...we only have around $200 a month left to raise! If you have been planning on supporting us, thank you! Please help us out by sending in a commitment form, (go on our website/email us/mail it in). We can't buy our plane tickets until we reach 100% of our commitment goal.

Emotional Update: Everything is still swirling around us, but it's all draining into God's hands. (I'm very aware that this is a weird toilet/bathtub illustration, but it makes so much sense to me.) God has continued to affirm our calling and comfort me when I feel overwhelmed. We serve an amazing God, and the bottom line is that I want everyone to know Him. Whatever the cost...

But they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they did not cling to life even in the face of death. Rev. 12:11