With All The Bad In The World, Here's Some Good News (& a sneak peEk!)

Here's some good news and a look (video below) at the new space! The training center is downtown on the 4th floor in a cool old building. It's so art deco and I L-O-V-E it.

If you have no idea what I am talking about, read How Buying a Chair Can Change the World!

So here it is, GOOD news!

There are only a hand-full of campuses left in the city where we don't have a presence. Get this: one of those universities rents the whole floor below our new space for classrooms!

Amazing right!??

After almost two years of looking, the place we find is above a campus we have been praying for! It won't take long for us to build relationships and start bible study groups. Please pray for us to meet people of peace at UDM. 

More good news...

A couple of you have committed $10, $25, and even $60 a month to make this new training center a reality! 

THANK YOU and I hope you know we mean it. 

We only need 10 people to commit $60 a month and we will have the rest of the monthly expenses (rent, water, electric, internet and a guard) covered! 

Lots of you have blown us away with your purchase of chairs!!! One family bought a chair for each person in their family and committed to pray together for the people who sit in them. Such an amazing idea. 

We even had a church give towards renovation costs! You can say bye-bye to this bathroom. Oh how I wish scratch and sniff worked via the internet, ha!

It's not too late, you can still be a part! Join our support team or buy a chair for $10!

I keep tearing up as I type this, because GOD IS MOVING IN MOZAMBIQUE!!! This space is going to be a beacon of light in a world of darkness and you make it possible. We really can't say thank you enough. 

Cedar and Allison (our new team member) in the new training center!

Torichel: His Story Will Grow Your Faith

This is Torichel--or "Tortoise Shell" as many Americans mistakenly say, but, hey, he's a good sport. Torichel is not poor and he's not oppressed. To be honest, the guy is pretty set to have whatever kind of life he wants. He's from a wealthy family, speaks English, has nice hair (okay, that's a bit irrelevant), and is going to the best University in the nation. BUT the guy just won't settle for the "Mozambican Dream."  You're about to hear him tell a quick story, and it's just one of so many things that have driven him to want a different life, a life of proclamation, a life fully submitted to Jesus and fully opposed to the enemy. 

β€œ...the enemy always tries to abort what the Lord is doing.”

Some take-away's (I could use some take-away right now, preferably from Panera, but I will just dream about it...unless one of you wants to volunteer to ship me a cinnamon crunch bagel)...   

1. The possessed dude started yelling, "They are telling lies" even though he was too far away to actually hear what was being said. You guys, Satan is listening, even when man is not paying attention. Say something that matters. 

2. The man screaming drew more attention to us, and caused his OWN family to become interested in what we were saying. They ended up coming to church, and many even gave their lives to Christ! Don't let the enemies scare tactics intimidate you. Basically, the devil always digs his own grave. 

3. The man freaked the most when one of the students was sharing his testimony. MAN! That is how powerful our stories of redemption are! Satan is threatened by your testimony and he doesn't want you to share it, so share it all the more. 

Oh and btw, "A Palavra" is the name of our campus ministry movement here in Mozambique. It means "The Word" and, in less than two years time, the word is being shared on 23 campuses. Crazy right?!!? God is faithful! Thank you for praying for us and Christ's movement on the campuses of Mozambique.

Now, let's all go share Christ, let's shout our story of redemption, and let's see what God does with it. And watching Satan squirm is always nice, too.