I Don’t Just Believe in Miracles-I Have Seen Them

I can’t count how many miracles I have experienced. Some are wild and others are more chill, but they are all miraculous. Here’s one I’ve been meaning to share: 

When we arrived back in Mozambique after having Cypress we had to say A LOT of goodbyes. In all my processing of us moving our lives to Africa, I never once imagined the “byes” we would have on this side of the world. 

I bawled as soon as the door clicked shut the night Tiane’s mom came by telling me the news that they were moving out of our apartment building. Tiane and Cedar played together weekly for over a year and he was the perfect little friend. You may remember seeing his sweet face here.

I cried, and then I promptly asked God for another friend Cedar’s age to show up in our building. 

Right around this time Cedar started coming home from his little pre-school that he goes to a couple of days a week. We started him there so he could socialize and learn more Portuguese, but for the longest time he never mentioned any friends by name--that is, until Martin.

Fast forward a week. 

Cedar and I are walking up to our apartment building when all of the sudden Cedar takes off sprinting (can 2 year olds sprint or am I just really out of shape?) and screaming, “Martin!” 

I realize that the lady who lives across the hall from us is entering the building with what looks to be her son and two-ish year old grandson. 

Cedar continues to scream, "MARTIN! MOMMA!!! MAARRRRTTTTIIIINNNN!!!" and "He's so fluffy I'm going to die." Ok maybe he didn't say that last part. 

I explain, all while they are looking at me bewildered, that Cedar goes to school with a little boy named Martin and he thinks this is his little friend. 

Then they both smile widely. “This is Martine! Does your son got to Xicoração?” (Ok, actually all this happened in Portuguese, but you get that it would take a way from the flow if I put a bunch of unnecessary text in…like I’m doing right now.) Cue the GOD YOU ARE SOOO WILD DANCE. Except for I’m lame and didn’t dance because I can’t dance. 

Ok, so listen to this. 

The school Cedar goes to is not in our neighborhood; it’s on the other side of the city. 

Our city has a population of 4 million and the majority of that population is children. 

Out of all the kids that God could have sent to be a friend for Cedar, he sent the only other friend Cedar already has! 

AND, out of the 48 apartments in our building, Martin’s grandmother lives across the hall from us. We can literally hear through our door when he arrives to visit!

I just kept goofy grinning as Martin’s dad told me they would be around more often and would love for the boys to play. 

We now see him all the time. (I had the cutest picture of the two of them I was going to share, but my phone just bit the dust so...I need another miracle.)

Isn’t that incredible?

I believe in miracles. I believe in the God that does the miraculous, even for a two year old. 

Matt and I have so many stories like this that we don’t always tell because of time or flat-out fear someone will think we are nuts. We are going to try to start telling more of these testimonies because Jesus is worth it. 

What is the last miraculous thing you experienced? PLEASE share!


In case you didn't get our recent email about a modern day Legion, the new space is up and running!  After over two years of looking, we have a training center, which is another miracle! Worship Night (above) has to my favorite thing we do there. Thank you to all who gave for renovation costs, bought chairs, and sacrifice monthly to cover rent. (Based on my choice in photos you would think Cedar lives on Matt's shoulder.)

With All The Bad In The World, Here's Some Good News (& a sneak peEk!)

Here's some good news and a look (video below) at the new space! The training center is downtown on the 4th floor in a cool old building. It's so art deco and I L-O-V-E it.

If you have no idea what I am talking about, read How Buying a Chair Can Change the World!

So here it is, GOOD news!

There are only a hand-full of campuses left in the city where we don't have a presence. Get this: one of those universities rents the whole floor below our new space for classrooms!

Amazing right!??

After almost two years of looking, the place we find is above a campus we have been praying for! It won't take long for us to build relationships and start bible study groups. Please pray for us to meet people of peace at UDM. 

More good news...

A couple of you have committed $10, $25, and even $60 a month to make this new training center a reality! 

THANK YOU and I hope you know we mean it. 

We only need 10 people to commit $60 a month and we will have the rest of the monthly expenses (rent, water, electric, internet and a guard) covered! 

Lots of you have blown us away with your purchase of chairs!!! One family bought a chair for each person in their family and committed to pray together for the people who sit in them. Such an amazing idea. 

We even had a church give towards renovation costs! You can say bye-bye to this bathroom. Oh how I wish scratch and sniff worked via the internet, ha!

It's not too late, you can still be a part! Join our support team or buy a chair for $10!

I keep tearing up as I type this, because GOD IS MOVING IN MOZAMBIQUE!!! This space is going to be a beacon of light in a world of darkness and you make it possible. We really can't say thank you enough. 

Cedar and Allison (our new team member) in the new training center!